Community Relations Director Deanna Lambert, City of Brentwood
Many of you have placed calls to the City letting us know you have cloudy or dirty water today. This is due to the City’s water supplier, Harpeth Valley Utilities District in Nashville, putting a new, large water line in service yesterday afternoon.
This resulted in a turbulent flow of water through the system, stirring up mineral and sediment deposits in the water lines. This eventually made its way into our system and resulted in the cloudy water conditions.
We began receiving calls about this yesterday afternoon and initially believed it was an isolated situation.
In the early evening, we discovered the source of the problem and that it was going to eventually spread throughout our water distribution system.
We notified impacted customers at that time via NextDoor and Facebook. All water has been tested and there are no health concerns.
Crews continue to flush the system today, but it will take time for the system to settle and clear again.
Impacted customers will need to flush the plumbing as well to clear their internal pipes.
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