High School fall sports, including football, are starting across the great state of Tennessee this week. Some teams opened play Thursday evening, while others are playing a more traditional Friday Night Lights game, and some will play on Saturday.
With football opening in the midst of a the global COVID-19 pandemic there are many new regulations at the games.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”72″ gal_title=”HS_Sports_Opens”]All who attend the games will get their temperature scanned. Most teams are selling tickets in advance only, and they must be bought on-line.
Masks must be worn at all times. Seating in the stands is set so that people are “socially distant” and fans are asked to stay in their seats unless making a trip to the concession stand or the restroom.
You will see cheerleaders and band members in masks.
Let’s hope this controls any problems, and that the sports season can continue.
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